WLA 2023: Best Alternative Healer | Liv

WLA 2023: Best Alternative Healer

Introducing the winners of the 2023 WLA Awards for Best Alternative Healer. With their outstanding work in holistic health and innovative healing practices, these practitioners are at the forefront of complementary medicine, providing impactful, alternative pathways to wellbeing.

PLATINUM: Anita Cheung, iLiving

Anita S. K. Cheung is a trailblazer in the wellness industry. She started in 2005 as Hong Kong’s first Certified Health Coach and founded “i-Detox,” the city’s first nutritional detox consultancy, which later became “iLiving” in 2018. Anita has trained in various areas, including functional nutrition, aromatherapy, hypnosis, bioresonance, kinesiology, and healing techniques. Her work is known for its powerful impact, helping many clients, even those with severe illnesses.


GOLD: Michelle Harris, Michelle Harris International

Michelle Harris is a renowned healer, author, coach and mentor in Hong Kong with over 25 years of experience. She has been recognised with awards, including as a Liv Women of Wellness, for her effective healing methods that have helped thousands of people worldwide. She has created empowerment events, women’s retreats, and The Empowerment School platform. She also provides mindfulness and wellbeing coaching to schools and businesses, and has developed her own crystal healing system.


SILVER: Malbert Lee, Tune In Wellness

Malbert Lee is a skilled practitioner who combines sound healing, yoga, and mindfulness to improve wellbeing. He’s trained in yoga and studied with experts around the world, leading sessions that have helped thousands. Lee uses sound to help people meditate, relax, and improve their health. His sound baths and classes are designed to help relax and connect people to their inner selves. He’s worked with well-known brands and participated in public events, where he shares his wellness expertise to motivate others.


FINALIST: Coco Alexandra, Coco Alexandra Holistic Consulting

Coco Alexandra is a versatile expert who helps people change their lives using both spiritual practices and practical advice. With over 19 years of experience in business, public relations, marketing, and spiritual teaching, she offers practical methods for self-improvement and creates environments that promote deep healing, affecting thousands of people globally. She is also an author and has won awards as a soul coach and business mentor.


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