You’ve probably spotted microgreens in Hong Kong on the menus of trendy restaurants, but what are they actually? Microgreens are simply the seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs, somewhere between sprouts and baby leaves, and they are incredibly nutrient-dense. Some studies say that compared to their adult counterparts, they contain more than 40 times the vitamins, and offer a broader spectrum of antioxidants.
They’re best eaten raw or lightly stir-fried, adding zest and complex vegetal notes to salads, sandwiches, wraps, and anything else your heart desires. The best part about microgreens is how micro they are! Their tiny size makes them easy to grow indoors – ideal for space-starved Hong Kong homes. They’re also quick to grow (typically 7-14 days) and resilient, making them relatively simple to care for, even if you’re lacking a green thumb.
Keen to try growing your own microgreens in Hong Kong? Here are three local organisations that offer kits and growing advice.
Grow Something

Founded by former geologist Agnes Yeung in 2018, Grow Something is an organic farming-focused social enterprise with a mission to get more people growing their own veggies. Along with supported home visits to help you start and manage your own organic vegetable patch, the company also sells three different kinds of microgreen grow kits: arugula, sunflower and snow pea. All the kits come with a white ceramic pot, bamboo saucer, natural soil and organic seeds, and range from $45-$85. If you don’t have an easy source of direct sunlight for the pots inside your home, they’ll also sprout under a reading lamp.

For the busy, more forgetful gardener, self-watering kits are here to save the day! Veggroom’s grow kits use a special self- watering system, with a large water reservoir and a rod that releases water into the soil regularly. Choose from four seed options: pea, amaranth, radish and arugula, starting from $89. Veggroom also uses coconut coir, an eco-friendly soil alternative that helps to aerate and drain away excess water, which promotes growth. You can find the kits at Pimary in Hong Kong, or order online.
Rooftop Republic

Hong Kong’s urban gardening stalwart, Rooftop Republic, offers two kinds of kits: the Basic Microgreens Grow Kit ($150) and Ceramic Microgreens Grow Kit ($220). The latter includes a decorative ceramic vessel, enough materials to grow at least three trays of organic microgreens, and four types of local seeds well-suited to Hong Kong’s climate. The soil, growing tray, and spray bottle can all be reused, while microgreens seeds – which include kale, broccoli, alfalfa, beetroot and half a dozen more – can be reordered from their online store as you need them.
Want to dive deeper into urban farming? Rooftop Republic also conducts a self-paced online course in growing your own food ($250), starting with an introduction to urban agriculture, setting up your garden, layering your soil, making compost and dealing with pests and diseases.
More on Liv: The Best Plants To Buy For Your Hong Kong Home