Tell us about yourself!
I am the founder and owner of My Perfect Body, a beauty clinic in Central, and I’ve been in the beauty industry since 2013. One area that I’m passionate about is self-development and self-improvement. I’m always looking to challenge myself and learn new things. That’s one reason I enjoy working in customer service; I’ve learned great communication, listening and problem-solving skills. These have helped me in my day-to-day work, but also in my personal life.
Why did you decide to get into the beauty industry?
I have dreamed of owning my own business for as long as I can remember. Before I opened my spa, I worked as a fashion model for over 10 years. I realised that my career would eventually come to an end (models retire early) and I wanted to try something new, but still related to fashion. I decided that the beauty industry would suit me. I often had to do different beauty treatments over the course of my fashion career, because there’s an expectation that models have a “flawless” look. I also studied chemistry at university, which gave me an interest in knowing what was going into all these different beauty products.
What’s your best advice for balancing family with running a business?
To be honest, this was my biggest challenge! At the beginning of my entrepreneurial career, I spent most of my time working. It actually took me a few years to find the right balance, before I realised that I should work smarter, not harder. Now I know that balance doesn’t create itself – you have to put effort into it. I found ways to automate parts of my daily business admin, and that was key for me. Also, I set a boundary between family and work; when I’m at home, my family gets my full attention first. On the weekends, I take time to do things for myself and ensure that I regenerate before the work week starts again.
What’s it like running a spa? Take us through a typical day.
I try to get an early start, waking up at around 7AM. Morning is my favourite part of the day, so I tackle my most important task first thing, when I’m still full of energy and my mind is fresh. I spend the morning doing training or staff meetings, then I often have a business lunch in Central. After lunch I head back to the spa, or meet with potential business associates over a coffee.
In the late afternoon, I squeeze in some physical activity, either a session with my personal trainer or a yoga class. Then, I’m back at the office to check how everything is going, talk with staff, and create tasks for tomorrow. Once I’ve gone home, spent some quality time with my family, and the kids are in bed, I sometimes work in the evening. It’s when I find I’m the most productive for new projects that require a bit of innovation and creativity. I always try to get a good night’s sleep, so I can start fresh the next day.
You’ve got a background in fashion. Did that prepare you at all for starting your own beauty business?
Absolutely! Modeling isn’t just about having a pretty face. If you want to succeed in fashion, you have to be patient and hardworking – same as in the beauty industry. It pushes you to develop a good attitude towards everything. Through modeling, I had to develop a thick skin and learn how to accept rejection without taking it personally. And of course, it gave me financial independence and the opportunity to open my own business!