The Save HK Fitness alliance is trying to stop the collapse of Hong Kong’s fitness industry.
The COVID-19 pandemic and government shutdowns have done a number on large and small businesses alike, but local boutique gyms in particular are really struggling. Many are unable to benefit from government relief packages, and still more are at the mercy of their landlords, many of whom have not offered any rent relief or concessions during the shutdown period.

A group of boutique gym owners have formed an alliance to help save their businesses. The Save HK Fitness initiative has been set up to lobby the government to provide more support to local gyms. In the immediate term, they are looking for financial support and compensation to offset losses from gym closures. With many customers also put off exercise by strict mask-wearing rules, they will also research best practices for hygiene and mask-wearing during exercise.
The alliance is currently looking for more business owners in the fitness field to add their voices to the campaign. If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to the alliance via email at [email protected]. Gym owners and customers alike are welcome to lend their support.

Watch this space for news and updates from the alliance!