A local Hong Kong brand, natural beauty purveyors ZeroYet100 have won fans across the city for their all-natural, zero-waste skincare. Recently named Best Skincare Brand at the Wellness & Lifestyle Awards, Liv speaks to founders Sheetal Avlani and Anita Patel about their journey and their expansion plans.
What does this award mean to you?

Sheetal Avlani and Anita Patel: It’s a big and loud “we love your products!” from our customers. To receive this award at this time truly means the world to us, and the endorsement is a great encouragement at this time. We are now totally charged up and ready to come out with new, effective products that offer natural and sustainable solutions. We are so grateful, and would like to thank all our supporters and believers.
Tell us more about your journey.

SA/AP: It all started with a personal need for a natural deodorant. The next thing we knew, we were fulfilling this need for thousands, and more! Users loved the switch from chemical-based skincare to natural products. Taking feedback from regular users, and by studying the benefits of these natural products, we created a wider range. Along the journey, we realised that a sustainable skincare brand should come in sustainable packaging. This brings us to today. We are proud to say that we are more than 95% plastic-free!
Read more: our review of ZeroYet100’s zero-waste deodorant
What was the turning point as entrepreneurs?
SA/AP: When we received repeat orders from more than half our buyers. That’s when we got our boost and truly knew out that friends and family weren’t just buying to be nice to us or to support us, but because our customers loved what they bought and wanted more. Knowing that there was a market that believed in what we believed in and users that trusted us, we decided to take it to the next level.
What has the feedback been for your products? Has Hong Kong responded well to the brand?
SA/AP: Hong Kong is already very environmentally conscious and aware of the benefits of using products made of all-natural ingredients. We weren’t completely taken aback with the phenomenal response. Hong Kong is a great market for new brands and the city remains our key market, though we are now expanding overseas.
In partnership with ZeroYet100