Looking to learn more about TCM for fertility in Hong Kong? Clients and practitioners alike swear by the ancient healthcare system of TCM to help support both men and women on their fertility journey.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach to healthcare with a history spanning thousands of years. One area for which many people, both men and women, turn to TCM for support is in the field of fertility and pregnancy.

TCM comprises various modalities, the most common of which are acupuncture and herbal therapy. Acupuncture, a fundamental component of TCM, entails the precise insertion of thin needles into specific body points linked to meridians. According to TCM philosophy, meridiens are energy pathways in the body through which one’s qi flows. According to TCM philosophy, blockages of qi can lead to various health complaints, infertility among them.
In the context of fertility, acupuncture is said to help to help balance hormones, enhance blood circulation and alleviate stress, Practitioners claim it can also enhance egg and sperm quality. In addition, during pregnancy, TCM can provide support throughout each trimester to alleviate common discomforts such as morning sickness and pelvic pain. Some even seek out TCM practitioners to help turn breech babies.

Herbal therapy involves carefully selected herbs by the practitioner to address fundamental bodily processes. The herbal formulas are tailored to an individual’s unique pattern of disharmony. For fertility, these herbs can nurture the kidneys (which are integral to reproduction, according to Chinese medicine), support your menstrual cycle, or tackle specific issues like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis.
Want to Try TCM for Fertility in Hong Kong?
Troy Sing is a leading Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner with over 32 years of clinical experience. He practices at Health Wise Clinic, which is conveniently located in Central within walking distance of the MTR. Their fully registered, English-speaking practitioners tailor treatment plans to cater for each individual’s unique pattern of symptoms. The clinic creates an environment where each person’s problems can be heard, understood and addressed.