Michelle Harris is one of Hong Kong’s original names in holistic wellness, having provided counselling, guidance and energy healing in the city for more than 25 years. She talks to Liv about her journey, and the people she has helped along the way.
Tell us about what you do.
For 25 years I have offered various healing and empowerment services, including energy healing, empowerment mentoring, counselling support and intuitive guidance. It lights my heart when my clients regain a sense of mastery, take charge of their life’s challenges, change their situation, and connect to their deeper truth. I draw a lot upon my own journey, having healed myself and turned my life around. I experienced childhood and early adult trauma, and as a result I have faced deep inner pain and mental and emotional health struggles, with depression, anxiety, very low self-esteem and deep fear. I also had a food disorder and an alcohol dependency, which I used to control and numb my pain. My offerings are therefore based on authentic teachings from all my learning. In addition to a wealth of life experience, I have trained in numerous healing systems including reiki, seichim, magnified healing, trans-medium sacred healing and others – I also have a certification in counselling. All individual and group sessions I offer are designed to facilitate greater self-empowerment and to live your magnificence in all areas of life – personally, spiritually and professionally. An important part of my offering is the Draco Dragon Healing Symbols system, a healing modality I’ve developed combining crystals, symbols and energy healing for deep transformative work.
You work with children and teens, as well as adults. Which do you prefer?
I love all my work! For women especially, it’s inspiring to see them rise into their true potential and feel seen, heard and validated for who they are. Kids and teens love to experience a different kind of teaching from traditional school. Through meditation/mindfulness and empowerment events, they learn how to connect to their uniqueness and learn mental and emotional wellbeing techniques.
What would you say to someone who thinks that your work might be a bit too alternative for them?
Fundamentally this work is about empowerment on all levels, and that includes the spiritual. However it is not religion. It is guiding you to a deeper inner connection to one’s soul and drawing that out so you feel a fulfillment that is beyond what you have previously experienced. It is taking you back to your true essence and finding the joy and purpose of your life.
Who is your typical client?
Michelle Harris International has clients of all ages, from 7 to 80, from all backgrounds and walks of life. They all have different needs: some experience anxiety and stress, others feel lost or blocked. Others still are looking for peace, growth and transformation.. I help a lot of women/mums who may have lost confidence who are seeking to uplift themselves and regain their self-esteem, or wish to take their life or business to the next level. I also work with schools and corporates to provide meditation and mindfulness programmes.
You’ve lived in Hong Kong for many years. How do you think the city has shaped your path as a healer and teacher?
Hong Kong is where I went deep into my pain and suffering, but it is also where I have healed and found my power and purpose. It feels amazing to see how my life is so different now. It has offered space for me to share and shine, to allow the growth of myself, my work and clients from all over the world. I have thrived in many ways and therefore my business has, too. Over the years I have also been witness to the expansion of wellness, which has been truly wonderful to see. The community has embraced my offerings and teachings with an open heart and open mind.
Learn more at michelleharrisinternational.com